It feels like I almost forgot to write! But today, I felt it’s about time! So, here it goes…my first impressions of the city that I now live in.
For a moment, it appeared as if the tall sky scrapers where held straight by golden stings that pierced through the clouds. The vast mass of coconut trees, cheerfully danced with the wind. At a distance, I was able to see only a little of the large lake, brilliantly reflecting the dusky orange and maroons of the sun. The pet hump of the city, the Nandhi hills was swirled by foggy clouds. A couple of Kites went in circles, looking for their prey. And a flock of bright green birds flew against the direction of the fiery wind.
This is a magnificent view that I see every evening from the top of my office building. I didn’t realize that this place is actually beautiful until today! Hopefully this place will be one source of inspiration that will keep my blog going!
Cheers to b’lore!
~The Rain Crab